5 Lessons I've learned


  Another year closed successfully at home in front of the television, by watching Star Screen Awards. Yippieeeeeeeeeee!!!

        Seriously, guys, I have been waiting for a new year's eve which would be my ideal new year celebration excluding going out to the parties where everyone seems busy posting stories instead of living those moments at the place. I just want a warm, calm, and full of fun new year's eve. Basically a house party with friends and family. A house party with a huge Mela (and now the scenes of the movie Mela are crossing in my mind, LOL).
       Last year I made some resolutions (oh I do this every year BDW) including -  to be a morning person, being studious and making my bed on a daily basis. Thankfully I fulfilled a few of them πŸ˜‡.
      So, here we come in 2021 (one more day to discover yourself). It's not a leap year dudeπŸ˜‰. (and now it reminds me of the calendar questions in aptitude😢)
     I believe experiences talk. We learn through every path we walk. I am gonna share the lessons which I learned so far and following them will give you an unsnarled life for the years ahead.πŸ˜‡

1.  Think before you press enter πŸ”„
 Whether it's an office email or a personal text. You need not move swiftly. Take your time, think about the facts and possibilities of replies you can receive.  In case of professional emails,  re-re-read, check and then press enter.

2.  Acquire the talent to say NO πŸ”„
 Trust me, having the courage to deny the things you do not want to do keeps you safe from some soppy circumstances. Generally, we Indians think by heart. It seems nice but not perpetually. Sometimes, thinking about yourself is better than regret after. (Kaash bus Ek naa Keh diya hota)πŸ˜‘

3. Be a Learner πŸ”„
 We often mention one trait in our resume - "I am a keen learner". Are you?? Well, be the one in a realistic manner. Set your ego aside while learning. Your kids, colleagues and anyone whom you think are a waste of time can teach you precious lessons of life.

4.  Acceptance πŸ”„
 This one is a super needy lesson. "If you can not change the person, accept them the way they are." Once you learn this you will be a positive and happy person. 

5. Stop Comparing yourself with others πŸ”„
  You must be known to an idiom or a phrase - " The grass is greener always on the other side." Dear folks, idioms are made through humans' behavior, (because I often do this), so we can not deny this nature to not happen but we can only do one thing which could bring an anxiety-free sleep in our life. You can not detect the backside stage of another person's vitality and vice-versa. Just find your happiness in every moment you live because mere dost Jaan hai to Jahan hai and don't waste your breathe in comparison. You get what your fate gives you. I am still learning.

Okay, It's a Wrap. I hope you are already following the above enlightenments.

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