Are you an observer?

     The best way to learn things is by observing. I start to observe the surrounding things whenever I get to waiting somewhere or going to a new place. These memories stay last forever. One day I just reached my city via train from New Delhi and was on the way to escape. I was with my mother.  
     Trust me, the Railway station is a place where you can observe people with a lot of heterogeneity. You watch a playing toddler. You watch the motherhood. A family in which an old man is being cared for by his children. You can observe people lost in their gadgets. A sweeper, designed walls, oh yeah!!.? The railway junction of my city (Alwar) has very attractive walls since all the famous spots are drawn on them. Like Sariska Palace, the city palace, and more. 
    So, where was I? Yeah, the observing thing. My mother and I were walking towards the escape. Station was very busy since the train just reached there. Benches were occupied with the people who were waiting for their respective trains. A man in one of them was sitting on a bench. He was old and a skinny man with a long beard. He was a beggar. Suddenly he stood up and moved towards the dustbin placed in front of him but a little bit far and guess what he did? He just spits and gets back to his seat. I was shocked and wondered that if every man becomes like this man then there will be no more places filled with spots of spitting. Red-colored dirty spots. 

 Have you ever observe and memorize an incident like this?

 Moral of the story: A nation is not perfect but we have to make it perfect by our actions. 


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