A Letter to my daughter on her 6 months birthday .

 Dear Daughter,

       Today you have turned 6 months old, half a year. Oh God ! time flies in the blink of an eye. I find myself  wondering where the 6 months have gone. Your clothes are telling me how grown you are. 

        This monthly birthday is special because you are gonna have your first food. I promise you, my child, I will always take care of your diet and try to offer you the best. Since I am a human, in the last 6 months, I made various blunders but learned a lot. I will try not to repeat them. 

         I remember that when you were born, you were my photocopy and now you have started looking like your father too. :) You used to wake up late at night. He used to sing lullabies for you to make you sleep in his arms and he used to sleep at the office then. LOL 😆 I used to call you “Rotumal and sotumal” because most of the time you used to sleep and cry only. 

          Here we are, our baby is 6 months old. It has been six months since you were pulled from my belly, placed on my chest and I cannot believe it. I see you growing and becoming this sweet, funny, naughty, little girl. I don’t want to miss a moment. I want to snapshot every second with you-your papa and store it away forever. I am enjoying watching you and your activities. Nowadays, your favourite task is to suck everything you find. Finger, face, hand, glass, cushion, toy or anything goes straight to your mouth. You started to recognise me and this makes me full of joy and pride. 

           You make me awake at very odd hours. Yes, I get frustrated due to lacking sleep but as soon as I see your face, oh my girl my sleep goes away. The reason behind writing this letter is the big smile on your face which will come after reading it when you will be a big girl. 

          I am loving all this. Making memories of yours for you. There are so so so many things to write down. You know what, my phone gallery is full of your shots. The number of pictures will be tripled when you turn one. 

We love you our little angel. 

All our Love

Maa-Papa ❤️




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