My Bump Story

Namaste readers πŸ™πŸ»
I am Richa who loves to read love stories. Loves to play chess, doesn’t matter I lose most of the time. Ludo and sudoku are also favourites. I am a Bollywood fan and quite filmy in real life as well.

Anyways, I am gonna share my Pregnancy Journey with you guys. I will keep this raw and honest. So let’s start πŸ™‚




                  This day I saw the two magical lines which meant I was tested positive at home. Well, I was beset with mixed feelings. I was happy but at the same time, filled with trepidation. On the other side, Tarun was happy (Obviously, boys don’t have to face the drastic changes in the body ..LOL). Although, we both had been planning for this day. It’s just that I was nervous about the future changes in my life. 

                    After two-three days I became normal and happy without any doubts in my chaotic mind as my husband assured me of being my support in every difficulty.😊

First Trimester : 

            Well as I said, I was prepared but not aware of the upcoming issues. The first trimester was tough. I used to feel nauseous all the time and the smell of chapati, cooked food and dough made me vomit sometimes. It was horrible. I had to wear a mask while making chapatis. Uff πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ My tummy became so heavy due to gastric issues. It felt very uneasy. My morning and evening walk with my husband continued like before pregnancy. 

         My library of YouTube was filled with pregnancy vlogs. Be it, how to do garbh sanskar, what to expect when you are expecting, what food should be avoided, etc. 

          The first thing I was instructed about was not to share this good news with anyone else. Elders are very strict about this. I had to stay extra careful because I used to go to the office. But it was all okay. 

          The first ultrasound is always very memorable and exciting. I remember mine. It was my 7th week. Our baby was a size of a tiny seed. When I saw the heart rates of the child, I wondered how special and miraculous is this that a LIFE is created under yourself. It's magical. 

Second Trimester :
      The second trimester went well. I did not feel nauseous anymore and my taste for food came back. I started showing but due to woollens nobody found my pregnancy in my office until the COVID third wave (Omicron) came. 

            State guidelines came out that Pregnant ladies can do Work From Home. I applied for WFH and my pregnancy news spread like wildfire.

               5th month was running well and I used to go to my office twice a week. I also used to go for a morning walk daily. Overall I was physically active  (with precautions of-course) which is good during pregnancy. 

              Then, suddenly one day in the morning, around 6 am, I found that I was bleeding. Painlessly and the colour was bright red. I was terrified and started crying. I told my husband and my mother-in-law. We rushed to the hospital. The doctor checked me and she suggested admission to the hospital so that she could observe me. She did an ultrasound. Fortunately, all was good in the ultrasound. But still, I had to admit. Medicines and injections were given to me via cannula. I am telling you, the cannula thing is very scary. The doctor observed me for two days and on the third day, I was discharged when everything became normal. This incident made me realise the value of motherhood for the first time. I was like β€œOh God please save my child”. I was instructed to take bed rest. By the way, bed-rest was not easy. It was damn challenging. I had to bear severe back pain, I wanted to go out and walk but couldn’t. Just eat, drink, go to the washroom, lie down and repeat. 

             Slowly, I was becoming well and used to be happy in that tough phase. Tarun has been my big support system throughout the pregnancy journey. 

            6th month was running and I started feeling my baby’s movements and soft kicks very often.  It was a beautiful feeling. Sometimes I felt immediate responses to my voice as well. Yes, I used to talk to my bump. :) 

Third Trimester : 

             Here I had reached another milestone: my final stretch. 7th month went good. There was just a little uneasy to get up and turn over while sleeping. My bump was more visible. I started planning for my maternity photoshoot and shopping list for the baby. 

          There were frequent trips to the washroom, even in the midnights. I had to stay very very careful during the 8th month because of my placenta issue in the 5th month. My belly was becoming heavy by the passing days and so was my insomnia. 

            The third trimester was tough on my body. Those sleepless nights, leg pain, backache, and changing the positions became a challenge. 

             My pregnancy shoot was beautifully done in starting weeks of the 8th month when my baby bump was showing perfectly for pictures. 

                9th month was filled with discomfort, anxiety and anticipation. I forgot to mention that I gained 14 kg weight throughout this journey. I started exercising and doing household chores after approval of the doctor. Along with that waiting and praying were the only things to do in the last month. The days were passing faster than in the previous months but my mind and body were urging the baby to pop out soon. I could go into labour anytime. 

           β†£β‡β†£  This is it. My bump story ends here. I will post my delivery story later. Keep reading and all the best for all the moms-to-be.  β†’β†’






  1. Hello Richa nice story congratulations for baby girl

    1. Hi and i am glad that you visited my page and liked it . ☺️☺️ Thanks πŸ™πŸ»

  2. ,πŸ‘β€οΈ

  3. Beautiful story dear.. many many congratulations for the beginning of this new journey.. 😊

    1. Thanks so much ☺️

  4. Hey,,, awesome ur praganacy story... And congratulations for you baby....

    1. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ thanks re 😘

  5. Awesome journey congratulations for your future ahead

  6. Waiting for the delivery part....

    1. I will post it soon 😊

  7. Hi Richa,

    I really like ur blog.
    I am 9th month pregnant right now
    Just wanted to know, about your placenta issue. Is it anterior low lying?

  8. Hello. I am glad you liked my blog 😊 My placenta was Posterior. Congratulations for your pregnancy. 😊


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