Things that make me instantly happy


      The connection between Life and Problems is indefinite. My mother always says that if you cry out loud over the problems of your life then you can not be able to find the solution. Instead, calm down and think. Do not let go Patience out of you. 

          I felt that if you are happy from the inside then you naturally look pretty and fit outside. They say happy people are the prettiest people. I agree. Life gives you little things to laugh, to smile, to adore (Oh ! have you watched the "Little Things" series on Netflix ??). A few days ago, I watched a movie named, "The pursuit of happyness", starring Will Smith as Chris Gardner. It shows the real side of Life and it is based on a true story of a homeless, single father. You should watch this movie because it teaches you 3F and 2S i.e. family, faith, failure, struggle and success.

          I am not aware of yours but I am surely gonna share some little things that make me instantly happy :)

You wanna know ???

1. Comments on my Blog:

      Your work is your identity. When you get an appreciation for any kind of work, it feels you are on top of the world. The first thing to do in the morning is to check my blog stats. Growing page views from all over the world and getting nice comments for my writing are my morning boosters. It makes me instantly Happyyyyyyy :)

2. When someone offers me my favorite food:

           I remember my childhood days when my mum used to take me with her to anybody’s home. My eyes widened whenever my favorite dish came in front of me. I used to finish the whole plate even after I was fully fed. My elder sister and my mum never leave any chance to tease me for that. Even today, if you offer me my favorite food i.e. Maggi, Idli-Sambhar, rajma-chawal and Mangoes (in case I visit your house) I will never refuse because it makes me instantly happyyyyyyy :)       

3. School and College memories:

           Whenever I receive an unexpected call from my old school or college friend with whom I can talk about our memories, our talks turn into laughter. School and college memories take me on the ride of joy. I strongly feel it makes me instantly happyyyyyyy :)

4. Travelling:

             Travelling is not less than therapy. I love to explore new places. I am always ready to take my feet out even after I already have been to that place because every experience is different with a different sightseer. Even an outing makes me instantly happyyyyyyyy :)

5. A Baby:

          My heart skips a beat when I see a cute baby. Baby’s giggles, baby’s touch, baby’s tiny feet and hands. You know what, sometimes I thought to join a playschool to teach the cutest kids. Wow. Even right now, while writing this blog, talking about a baby make me instantly happyyyyyyy :)

6. My mother’s lap and hug:

          There is no bed as soft as mother’s lap. There is no place as safe as a mother’s arms. I used to hug tightly my mum just after waking up in the morning (even after the noon naps). Today, after getting married, whenever I get a chance to visit my mumma’s home which we call Mayka, I start feeling butterflies in my stomach. I think this little thing makes every girl instantly happyyyyy :)

7. Shopping:

         Well, this is obvious because I am a girl you see. They say girls' dresses collection always seems less to every girl. I agree. Shopping for footwear, hand bags and office wear make me instantly happyyyyyyyy :)

        Okay, its a wrap. There are more things left which make me instantly happy. If I sit to cover them all then I don't think that a single blog post is enough for that. 

PS: Life gives you moments. Grab and live them HAPPILY. 

NOTE: Have you clicked highlighted words above?




  1. Thanks for reading. What are your little things ?? Comment below. I wanna know.

  2. Hey Richa how's u doing? Reading your blogs makes
    me happy instantly☺️


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