Down To Earth

I (Indian) don't know how you feel but I feel that there is a World Cup-shaped hole in my heart after digest the Semi-Final match of World Cup 2019. Every time I convince myself by the fact that its a game and a game can always go wrong. 

Well...heyyyyy...whats this?? A WATER TRAIN! A  train carrying 2.5 million liters of water arrived for Parched Chennai. Clearly, most of the cities have been grappling with an acute water crisis. Cause of this disaster is natural and man-made as well. 

We have no control over nature but on ourselves only. We all have to take a pledge to make conscious efforts to live mindfully because, in years to come, it won't be as easy to survive and care for other things as today. It's our choices that matter and results in prevention from polluted air, water scarcity, global warming, etc. 

Let's start from the basics and small changes to our daily routine life :

1. Use fewer dishes to avoid multiple washes. For this, you can use section plates for your meal and a single glass per member for drinking water. In my home, we have our glass stand which carries our 3 glasses and we use that particular glass for drinking water in a whole day. A bottle is also an option but the use of glass is healthier than drinking from a bottle. 


2. Use of bucket instead of a shower while bathing can save a lot of water. I mean, a lot. 

3. Refusing the use of plastic is tough but possible. You just need a little bit of planning like carrying jute bags or any cloth bag whenever you go out for shopping. I know it will take time to stop using plastics completely but at least, DO NOT throw the plastic waste on road, rivers, and beaches. Use dustbins as they said to us. Give them a chance to say Thank You. 

4. Reduce the use of electricity. Use only when required. This step will give you small bills and your contribution to a healthy and happy world as well. DO NOT forget to unplug the plugs and off the switches when not in use. Keep an eye on others too. 

5. Buy seasonal veggies instead of imported ones. 

6. Use LED bulbs and energy saving appliances. 

7. You can opt watering cans instead of running water to water the plants. Wastewater from RO and washing machine can be used in watering the plant. 

8. Last but not least, please offer your waste food and peels or rinds of the fruits to the street animals. They can not shout out loud when starving but we humans are lucky to have that voice to express our pain, lucky enough to have a roof, very lucky to have a mind. So, LIVE MINDFULLY.

How many of you are following the above steps to save our home planet called Earth?


  1. Yes.. I am following 1,3,4,5,6,7,8...
    I will definitely follow 2nd point from today.. thanks


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